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E-commerce Conference 2019

GAP Vassilopoulos Group Powered by: Worldline | SIX Payment Services took part in the 11th E-Commerce Conference 2019 as a sponsor, exhibitor and speaker.


The 11th E-Commerce Conference 2019 is a one day event that combines a wide variety of presentations in a conference setting and an exposition of the latest e-commerce trends.
Internet purchases are gaining an increasing share of the world, as more and more people understand the benefits they offer. Now one can buy a product or service from his home without having to get out of it or waste time on the road or in queues of funds.

The E-Commerce Conference aims every year to present the international trends and developments as well as successful case studies of online shops (e-shops), from which the representatives of the Cypriot companies that are there can be exemplified.

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